Saturday 7 November 2015


Tip 1: Face your fears, one step at a time
  • Exposure: Gradually and repeatedly facing your fears
           With each exposure, you’ll feel more confident and in control
           Climbing up the “fear ladder

Facing a fear of dogs: A sample fear ladder

Step 1: Look at pictures of dogs.

Step 2: Watch a video with dogs in it.

Step 3: Look at a dog through a window.

Step 4: Stand across the street from a dog on a belt.

Step 5: Stand 10 feet away from a dog on a belt

Step 6: Stand five feet away from a dog on a belt

Step 7: Stand beside a dog on a belt.

Step 8: Choice a small dog that someone is holding.

Step 9: Choice a larger dog on a belt.

Step 10: Choice a larger dog off belt.
  • Make a list
Make a list of the frightening situations related to your phobia
  • Build your fear ladder
Arrange the items on your list from the least scary to the most scary
  • Work your way up the ladder
 Start with the first step. Don’t move on until you start to feel more comfortable doing it. If at all possible, stay in the situation long enough for your anxiety to decrease. The longer you expose yourself to the thing you’re afraid of, the more you’ll get used to it and the less anxious you’ll feel when you face it the next time. If the situation itself is short (for example, crossing a bridge), do it over and over again until your anxiety starts to decrease. Once you’ve done a step on several separate occasions without feeling too much anxiety, you can move on to the next step. If a step is too hard, break it down into smaller steps or go slower.
  • Practice
 It’s important to practice regularly. The more often you practice, the quicker your progress will be. However, don’t hurry. Go at a pace that you can manage without feeling overwhelmed. And remember you will feel uncomfortable and anxious as you face your fears, but the feelings are only temporary. If you stick with it, the anxiety will fade. Your fears won’t hurt you.



HYSTERIA (ہسٹیریا , دیوانگی )

Hysteria (ہسٹیریا , دیوانگی)

Hysteria is a mental disorder which arises from intense anxiety. The patient loses control over his or her acts and emotions and it is usually accompanied by sudden fits of unconsciousness with emotional break.
It is often due to repressed fight within the person. Disease may occur in both males and females. It is common in young women between fourteen to twenty five years of age. Hysteria is uncommon after the age of forty five years.
Hysteria is an ancient disorder.  Hysteria is derived from a Greek word hysteron, meaning uterus. Osler a famous psychiatrist defines   hysteria as “a disorder chiefly of young women, in which emotional states control the body, leading to distortion of mental, sensory motor and secretary.

Symptoms of Hysteria

A hysterical personality typically displays symptoms like appealing behavior, high level of emotional dependency, friendly friendships, narrow-mindedness, frustration, irregularity and irritability.
During fits, such a person becomes hyper-emotional. He exhibits exaggerated feelings like irritations of crying concern and irritability marked with symptoms like:
Increasing Abdominal limitation
Severe pain and heaviness in the limbs
Suffocation and headache
Tightened teeth
Swelling of the neck
Feeling of a foreign body stuck in the throat
Laughing or crying without cause
In severe cases the symptoms may be wild and painful cries, extremely swollen neck, and incomplete loss of awareness, aggressive movements, aggressive and noisy heartbeat and fits.

The hysteria patient usually has a weak self-control desire for love and kindness and has a tendency towards emotional instability. Coma may last for days or weeks. A patient in coma may seem to be in deep sleep but the muscles are not usually relaxed.

Causes of Hysteria

The main cause of hysteria is idleness, sexual cruelty and misused habits of thought. Heredity may also be a cause for hysteria. A nervous family   background and faulty emotional training in the upbringing of the child are also some causes. Fear, worry, depression, mental nervous tension, trauma and prolonged sickness may cause emotional situations.

Hysteria may also be caused due to some situations like death of someone or loss of love.

Sunday 1 November 2015

MY Definition Of Psychological Well Being ''FIVE TIPS''

My definition of psychological well being: 

Five Tips

  • Nutrition, Exercise & Medical 

Self care and disease prevention, stopping tobacco, decreasing inactive lifestyles and unbalanced diets  

  • Friends, family and coworker relationships

Work life balance, healthy relationships and social interactions

  • Mind & spirit

Self esteem, peace of mind, sleep, stress and anxiety

  • Home, work and community surroundings

Ensuring healthful living, work and local environments

  • Money management

Budgeting, income and expenses, eliminating stress related to financial security and eliminating debt